Monday, March 23, 2015

Anime Convention Experience (Naka-Kon)

This way my first Anime convention ever, in fact it was the first convention I've ever attended. I really enjoyed it and had a blast. There was a ton of people and more than half of them were dressed up as their favorite character (Cosplay). It was really neat to see a stranger dressed up as your favorite character. I was able to get Junko Takeuchi's autograph, for those of you who don't know who she is, she is the Japanese voice actor for Naruto. I was actually first in line believe it or not.

Picture taken by Kristina Boudhara 

The event was three days long and there was so much to do it was quite overwhelming, in fact I didn't get attend a lot of the panels I wanted to because I was either too late for them or the rooms got too full. I wish I would have looked at the schedule better and planned out my days, I feel I missed out on a lot.

None the less I was able to buy a bunch of fabric posters, shirts and other merchandise. Would I do it  again?  Yes, yes I would.
Picture taken by Kristina Boudhara

Naka-Kon 2016 you better watch out, I'm going to train and come back stronger than ever.

(proceeds to sit down and eat week old  birthday cake)


  1. It sounds like a good time, I should have gone with you! Maybe next year lol. Meeting important people in the industry is always cool to.

  2. What was your favorite thing about the convention?
