Sunday, April 26, 2015


Questionable interview with my neighbor Millionaire Mike, Enjoy!!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

When Anime Almost Took Over The WORLD!!!!!!

Take a look back at your childhood what do you remember, maybe playgrounds, summer baseball leagues, jumping on a trampoline, playing catch with your dog Skippy until he broke loose from his leash and ran away (oh Skippy please come back). Those are all wrong, our childhood was full of anime, whether you’d like to believe it or not. (Well maybe)
Remember the movie Matrix, it found critical acclaim around the world, and is deemed by many as one of the most influential scifi movies of our generation. Fun fact, the Wachowski brothers who directed the Matrix, note that the Matrix is highly influenced by the Anime Ghost in a Shell.


Yea, true story mate, back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s anime was hot, hotter than Jay Z (not really but go with me). Anime like Yugioh, Pokemon and Beyblade were taking over our youth. Not that these anime had complex storylines or great character development. Their main selling point was catchy phrases, cool character designs and merchandise (toys, trading cards etc) . Kids loved them and school playgrounds became battle arenas for children wanting to battle their friends for glory. I can attest to this, every kid around me had Pokemon, or Yugioh cards. Bathroom breaks were used to play Beyblade, which resulted in us getting in trouble and going back to class with full bladders.
Like every trend, slowly but surely, it died down, but it never completely vanished. Even today Pokemon and Yugioh cards are still extremely popular, not as much as their glory days, but still going strong.
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The second wave to hit in 2004 was Naruto, Naruto hit western television waves, it gained instant success and quickly took over Cartoon Networks entire Saturday night prime time slots. It became a gate way to other anime, many other individuals say Naruto was the anime to get them into anime. Naruto was an anime that translated well with western audience, the story was thrilling and character design was something that was relatable (Naruto's blue eyes and blond hair). Its success died down after the infamous 80 episode filler run. If you read my early post Things I Hate about anime you will know what I am talking about.

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Now with services like Hulu, Netflix and Crunchyroll anime is becoming more accessible to western audiences. The last huge wave was back in 2013 with Attack on Titan. It gained global critical success faster than any other anime on this post. Marvel even created a one-shot comic which was quite disappointing, but a western adapted movie is in the works for Attack on Titan, how bout that.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spring Sports!!!

I should really go out and do some exercise, but why would I. When I have all these sports anime to get me into shape. Sports anime range from crazy unbelievable action, to well analyzed thought out shows.

For example, Baby Steps is a story about an honor student who takes an interest in tennis, as an activity to stay in shape. He falls in love with the sport and aims to become a professional. This anime analyzes tennis and each match perfectly. I play tennis and I find it interesting just how much thought is put into this anime. It's much slower paced than the other two anime on my list, but just as good.
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Secondly we have Kuroko no Basket, this anime is crazy over the top, anime fun. The matches are fast paced, and art is great. if you like basket ball give this anime a try.
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Last but not least is Hajime no Ippo, an anime about boxing. The Story revolves around a boy named Ippo, who is bullied at school. One day some bullies are beating him up and he gets help from a local boxer. Ippo decides to join boxing not to get back at the bullies but because he wants to know what it means to be strong. This anime is without a doubt one of my all time favorites, and in my mind a classic. This anime mixes in well thought out fights just like the first anime but it also delivers over the top crazy anime action that we all love. True underdog story with heart and style.
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What I Hate About Anime

My fellow bloggers I’ve asked all of you to join me here today because I want to address the accusations brought against me…….. They are true….

“Crowd Gasp”

Let me finish!!!………

“The room still in a frenzy begins to calm down”

Let me rephrase that, although some accusations are true, others are not…… I do love Anime

Individual in the crowd screams out “I KNEW IT”

I will never deny that, or at least my heart won’t allow me too, but I am not blind to the problems and issues that Anime faces.

Reporter “Such as?”

Fan service, it’s a horrible strategy to gain quick, easy and cheap popularity. By using female or at other times male characters as eye candy. Producers hope to gain increase sales in manga, DVD’s, and mainly merchandise. It’s sickening to see an Anime being devalued, because the producers or author think it would be okay to show a half-naked girl for no good reason, other than to just draw in an audience.

Crowd “good god this is awful”

Maybe something as bad as fan service is fillers, filler episodes are produced when an adapted Anime is catching up to its original source material. I understand why filler episodes are made but when a show is over infested with filler episodes, it becomes cringe worthy. A good example of this would be Naruto, or Bleach. Both Anime are exciting and my personal favorites but when you have almost 50 percent of the anime series filled with unexciting, unoriginal, or out of context fillers episodes, it becomes really annoying. Don’t get me wrong some filler episodes can be really good for example the DBZ driving episode or the Power Naruto filler arc but those cases are rare.

Last but not least is forced comedy, I love to laugh as much as the next guy.

Anime can do a pretty good job of mixing action with comedy, but when you are in the middle of an intense scene the last thing I want to see is two characters exchanging comedic lines. This tends to happen from time to time and it leaves me wondering “Why, why would you do such a thing”.  It is not one of my biggest pet peeves but it is up there.

So I beg you Holy God of Anime please get rid of all of these hindrances or at the very least, lower the times I have to come across these moments. Thank you everyone that will be all

Crowd explodes in a sea of questions

Hey Liandro what the heck do you think you were doing, I only asked you to do a mic check, not go and rant about God knows what, now you've got the room in a frenzy and the guest speaker hasn’t even gotten on stage yet. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Studio Ghibli or Disney ?

Disney, it’s a name known worldwide for its many animated masterpieces, Snow White, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Lion King, Fantasia Aladdin, and the list goes on and on. If Disney makes it you can almost guarantee it’s going to be a smash hit.

But what about Japan, can any of their Anime rival Disney huh Liandro? You’re always praising Anime and saying that nothing compares to it. Well Anime doesn’t compare to Disney.

Jeez why are you so defensive, you’re right nothing compares to Disney. What Disney has created and done for so many years is amazing. But don’t put all your chips on Disney because Japan has a studio that can rival, even Disney.

Studio Ghibli, have you heard of it, maybe, maybe not. Studio Ghibli has been around since 1985 with its first animated motion picture coming out titled Castle in the Sky in 1986. When the movie was released it gained critic success all around the world. From this point on anything Studio Ghibli produced was one hit after another. Grave of Fireflies, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, Whisper of the Heart, Howl’s Moving Castle, Ponyo, Arrietty and Spirited Away are just name a few. Studio Ghibli saw both critical and box office success around the world. All of these movies became staples that laid a strong foundation of what the future held for Studio Ghibli.

Isao Takahata, and especially Hayao Miyazaki got very much attention from the media and fans alike for being the main driving forces behind the success of Studio Ghibli. At this point in his career if Hayao Miyazaki made a movie or was associated with it, you know it was going to be gold. Miyazaki pours his imagination and love for story telling in all his movies, and you can tell. Each movie he makes is extremely imaginative and pushes the bounds of animation. This is art at its best I'm not kidding guys check him  out.

As a matter of fact Disney recognizes Studio Ghibli and is their main U.S. Distributor so that says a lot.

These are my favorite Studio Ghilbi films so far. Sadly I haven't watched all of them.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Anime Amino Fun Time App

Hey there guys, I just discovered an awesome app called Anime Animo. It’s an app that can be downloaded for Apple or Android mobile devices. Think Of Anime Animo as Twitter or Tumblr but completely tailored to Anime. The Animo community is so nice and helpful. I’ve had my account for only a week and I’ve already had meaningful conversations with complete friendly strangers. I mean it I’ve had nothing but good experiences. You can create blogs, questions, polls, or real time chat rooms. The community is incredibly active and you can always find something to do. More info on the app HERE

Monday, March 23, 2015

Anime Convention Experience (Naka-Kon)

This way my first Anime convention ever, in fact it was the first convention I've ever attended. I really enjoyed it and had a blast. There was a ton of people and more than half of them were dressed up as their favorite character (Cosplay). It was really neat to see a stranger dressed up as your favorite character. I was able to get Junko Takeuchi's autograph, for those of you who don't know who she is, she is the Japanese voice actor for Naruto. I was actually first in line believe it or not.

Picture taken by Kristina Boudhara 

The event was three days long and there was so much to do it was quite overwhelming, in fact I didn't get attend a lot of the panels I wanted to because I was either too late for them or the rooms got too full. I wish I would have looked at the schedule better and planned out my days, I feel I missed out on a lot.

None the less I was able to buy a bunch of fabric posters, shirts and other merchandise. Would I do it  again?  Yes, yes I would.
Picture taken by Kristina Boudhara

Naka-Kon 2016 you better watch out, I'm going to train and come back stronger than ever.

(proceeds to sit down and eat week old  birthday cake)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Iconic U.S Anime Openings

I've talked about Anime opening credits and praised them for their attention to detail. But U.S. can hit it out of the park as well. These two anime openings were praised and loved by all anime watchers back in the 90's, songs were spot on.

Spring 2015 Anime Line Up

I can’t keep going like this

You can’t die Liandro whose going to run your blog, I certainly can’t do it.

It’s okay my hypothetical Amigo, its coming can’t you feel it?

Feel what?

The bitter cold that once froze our blood instantaneously is only but a fleeting passenger, no longer will we have to wear layers upon layers of clothing, no longer will we have to carry tissues in our pockets, we'll replace warm tea with Iced Tea, but more importantly we’ll fill our screens with new anime. Spring season of anime is coming upon us. Smash hits like Parasyte the Maxim, Toyko Ghoul, Your Lie in April, Death Parade and Seven Deadly Sins are coming to an end. Just as spring promises to bring life back to our mother Earth, Spring anime season 2015 will keep that life inside of us burning bright.

Uh so you’re fine.

Yea I just had a cramp.

What’s up guys, Just wanted to throw some information your way. This List  compiles new and some returning anime coming out spring 2015. I’ve seen stronger line ups (in my opinion) the last 2 years. But I’m still pretty happy with the shows coming out. For example there are 3 anime that I’m officially listing as Liandro’s Top Must Watch for 2015 these shows include

Ore Monogatari
Baby Steps Season 2
And NINJA SLAYER         

Other shows stand out like Fate/Stay Night, Vampire Holmes, Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Alternative Architecture, Gintama 2015 release, Lupin the III 2015 release, Nisekoi season 2
Last but not least Ace of Diamond and Kuroko no Basket will be carrying over into the spring line up as well.

So that’s about it guys, if you’re a hardcore fan let me know what you’re looking forward to, if you have no idea what I’m talking about check out the list, each show has a summary up. It’s a great time to get into Anime if you already don’t watch it. Trust me. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Say it Loud and Proud

Let’s go back to 6th grade little Liandro was trying to find his place in his schools popularity hierarchical ladder. I was surrounded with people I called friends who had very different interest than me. Which in no way is bad, well not until they put you down at for having your own interest that is.

Around this time began watching an Anime by the name of Naruto, from earlier posts you already know I became quite  fond of this certain show. I wanted my friends to know about it and watch it as well, because I thought it was that cool. They did and had fairly nice things to say about it, well at least some of them did. Which was fine with me everybody has their own opinion, I shortly after began watching another Anime called Beck Mongolian Chop Squad. I thought it was awesome and couldn’t wait to tell my friends about it. As I brought it up in one of our daily conversations I became the target of insults, they could care less what I had to say and made fun of me for watching Anime. I learned immediately to not talk about it again at all in school.

My whole High School career I went trying to join sports or hanging out with “Cool Kids” just to fit in. I rejected what I truly was interested in and gave up precious time just to not feel like an outcast. The summer after graduation I lost all contact with all my old “friends” and began immersing myself in my own interest, one of which was anime. I know this isn’t an incredibly inspirational story, I didn’t go through major hardship, It was just a case of me sacrificing the things I loved because I was too scared to become a target.

Don’t forsake yourself for others who don’t care about you, if you have something you love hold on to it tight and it will take you to a place you want to be. For example through anime I have been able to make great friends who still stay in contact with me even after moving 200 miles away or friends who share completely different interest than me but would never put me down for it. What do you love? Say it loud and proud and others will follow, trust me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Anime Convention Info

What's up guys, today I will be throwing some Anime News your way, March 13th-15th, Overland KS will be the home of the annual NAKA-KON.

What's NAKA-KON Liandro?

It's a three day event of Anime. Panels, Performances, Contest, Sales, you name it.

For more information check out

I'll be there so that's already a plus, oh yea and if you're going could I crash with you. I don't have money for a hotel so I'm going to be sleeping in my car..........................

See you all there!!!!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Saddest Manga You'll Ever Read

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Property of Kodansha Comics and Yoshitoki Oima

I've seen some pretty sad things in my life, red light flashing on my internet modem,  an empty tray of pumpkin pie and a live action Dragon Ball Z movie directed by James Wong starring Justin Chatwin. Although all of these things left a hole in my heart, there was one story that did that and then filled that hole up at the very end. I'm talking about Koe no Katachi  (A Silent Voice), this story is so sad, but yet so good. The story revolves around Shoyo Nishimiya a hearing impaired elementary school girl. She one day meets a boy named Shouya Ishida who out of boredom begins to bully her. It's incredibly hard to see the class shift from accepting Nishimiya to later on ostracizing her.

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Property of Kodansha Comics and Yoshitoki Oima

The things the boy does to her are so mean and you can't help but to hate him more and more each chapter. Although the class treats Nishimiya like crap she never gets angry but rather she apologizes thinking that she's at fault. Ishida bullies her so much that eventually she transfers schools and he becomes ostracized and bullied himself. He grows up the rest of his life being bullied, having no friends, or ambitions for the future. He then takes it upon himself to find Nishimiya and apologize to her before he commits suicide.

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Property of Kodansha Comics and Yoshitoki Oima

I read this Manga last semester during finals week of all times, and I just could not put it down.  The Manga runs at 62 chapters and it feels like so much more because each chapter packs so much content. this Manga has great character development especially with the main character Ishida. I hated his character at first so much with a passion, for making Nishimiya go through so much. But as we see him older sincerely trying to redeem himself to Nishimiya and new friends, as a reader you can't help but to be won over. As far as Nishimiya goes, her character was spot on. Due to hear not being able to speak, the author focuses a lot more on her facial expressions to convey her feelings to us as the readers. She does communicate with a notebook at first and then sign language, so we do know what she is thinking but really her facial emotions really drive home in some scenes. I especially loved how even though she goes through so much crap you never see her sulk or cry, but always happy and smiling. So the few times she does get upset or cry you can't help but to fight back the tears.      

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Property of Kodansha Comics and Yoshitoki Oima

I was actually reading the first couple of chapters at the Library when I was supposed to be studying, so I had to hold back the tears as I was reading. That was the first time a Manga made such a deep impact on me. It's that good guys definitely worth the read, you won't regret it trust me. 

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Property of Kodansha Comics and Yoshitoki Oima

Friday, February 20, 2015

All About the Fights

Whats better than a good ol fashion fist fight?

No really I'm curious because I can only think of  free food as a close second.

Since the beginning of mankind we've loved to watch two dudes or dudettes  duke it out. It's one of America's favorite pastimes, boxing, wrestling, or the increasingly popular MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). We love to watch people beat the heck out of each other, but guess what so do the Japanese. No one loves a fight more than the Japanese, from Boxing, to Sumo Wrestling and Martial Arts that can be traced back to the legendary Samurai of Japan. This love for fights clearly spills into the small screen in the form of Anime. Anime includes so many different fighting styles, every style used in anime is derived from some form of real world martial arts. The fighting styles can be clean and technical or outright crazy and imaginative. One thing you will get in anime that you don't get anywhere else is over the top crazy beat downs.

This scene is from the anime Naruto is outright crazy and a perfect example of a good ol fashion Anime beatdown enjoy.
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Property of Studio Pierrot and Masashi Kishimoto

My oh my, pretty sweet right? This one fight scene alone did so much, everything was great from the choreography, animation, music and a use of flashbacks that established the relationship between the two characters. Gold.
The world of Anime is a goldmine of action and fight scenes you won't find anywhere else trust me. 

Best Websites to Watch Anime

I've ran my mouth about anime and why you should watch it, but you may be asking yourself

where would I find this holy grail of entertainment you call Anime

There are tons of places you could watch it on the internet, for free or for a fair price. when I say free I don't mean the plethora of pirated anime websites there are on the web. I mean licensed websites that are nice enough to let us watch their content for free. So with so many websites to watch anime which ones are the best.  Fear not I will guide you through this journey  and direct you to the best destination possible.... Come on.
Netflix, alright so it's safe to say that most Americans today have Netflix, it has become increasingly popular. So if you find yourself with a Netflix account you'll see that Netflix has an Anime section. Is it worth getting a Netflix account just for anime, well let's look at it. As of writing this article (February 20, 2015) Netflix has only 20 different Anime. Out of the 20 Anime only 9 are worth watching in my opinion, which include Death Note, Soul Eater, Deadman Wonderland, Blue Exorcist, Samurai Champloo, Psycho Pass and Attack on Titan. But as you may know Netflix gets rid of shows quite often so these are subject to change. So if you find yourself with a Netflix account check these anime out. Short answer, no do not get a Netflix account just for Anime.

These are the websites you should check out if you do want to watch anime.

Hulu- Of course a lot of us of are also familiar with Hulu's large selection of shows and movies. Hulu also provides a HUGE library of anime, both in Japanese and English. That's one of its strongest qualities, you can find almost any Anime you want. When I did a search I was amazed to see old and new anime that were part of the Hulu library. With the expectation of a few anime I couldn't find, it is still very impressive to say the least. The downside is, even though its free to watch the Anime, you have to watch commercials and Hulu has so many commercials. It seems like since the last time I got on they've added more. But who can complain right, your getting to watch a show for free, but even if you get Hulu plus for $7.99 you still have to watch commercials. Hulu does this in order to keep their prices low. Personally I wouldn't pay for Hulu plus if I wanted to just watch Anime, I'd rather just watch it for free and go through the lengthy Ads.

Crunchy Roll- Crunchyroll is another website that just like Hulu streams free anime. Crunchyroll has considerably fewer ads and a smaller library than Hulu. But that's not to say that Crunchyrolls Anime library is weak, not at all. Crunchyroll has an amazing library of Anime and is constantly having content uploaded. Crunchyroll is an Anime and Japanese Drama only website, this is a good and bad thing. Good because unlike Hulu, Crunchyroll has exciting anime news, figurines, and forums with an awesome community. Bad because it lacks in the English dub department (narrated in English). Also I really wish Crunchyroll would offer older anime series, they do have a couple and are starting to upload more but still they are lacking. Still Crunchyroll is worth the $6.95 you pay, because they're no commercials, you get Anime in HD, you can also read the latest Manga available (Japanese Comic), you receive discounts on items sold from their website and you get to watch the newest episodes of your favorite anime as soon as they premiere in Japan.  

An honorable mention would have to go to both, they have a decent selection of anime available for free as well. Not to mention they have a Youtube channel available with handful of anime for anybody to watch.    

So if you want to watch Anime, check out these websites, you don't have to pay but if you become a hardcore fan these are definitely worth the price.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine Blues

Are you lonely on Valentine's day.... me too......

But don't worry I'll recommend you 3 different anime that will be sure to make you say valen what?

so grab your heart shaped chocolates, a box of tissues and strap in for


Kimi Ni Tokode (From Me to You)

Oh I love this anime so much, in fact I've watched it twice and have plans of watching it a third time. The story revolves around a shy but sweet girl name Sawako, who due to her long black hair and introvert personality is shunned by all the other students in her class. She desperately tries to make friends but always comes across as creepy. Her life changes when she meets a boy name Kazehaya who is the first person to acknowledge her and her efforts. This anime runs at 38 episodes and is well worth the watch. This anime has great pacing, comedy and very sweet moments between all the characters. It's very good trust me

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Property of Production I.G and Karuho Shiina

Next we have a movie named 5 cm per second, what can I say about this movie other than that it's fantastic . Sad yes, beautiful  of course,  dull, never. I've watched this movie every year for 5 years in a row. That says a lot about a movie, but this movie can speak for itself and it speaks volumes in term of quality. The story revolves around two individuals who grow up as very close friends and separate as they get older. The emotional struggles the characters go through are very realistic and the backgrounds drawn in this movie almost seem as if they were ripped out of real life in some scenes. Seriously Makoto shinkai is a master when it comes to drawing  backgrounds, and his recurring theme of lost and distant love is strong in this film. So if you're in the mood for a story that's not your typical love story watch this film 

Check out the trailer 

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Property Of Makoto Shinkai 

Alright now if you want to talk about hidden gems, this is one of them. Over shadowed by the increasingly popular anime Parasyte The Maxim, and Tokyo Ghoul . Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) Premiered in fall of 2014. It is still ongoing and is scheduled for 22 episodes, so I cannot give a full review of it yet, but what I can say is that, THIS ANIME IS AMAZING. Seriously the art, the story, the characters, the music is all spot on.  The story revolves around  Kosei Arima a prodigy pianist who has a mental breakdown after the death of his mother. He is no longer able to hear the sound of the piano and the notes he plays. He later meets a girl named Kaori Miyazono who is a free spirited violinist that brings Kosei back into the world of music and teaches him how to play the way he used to, or even better.  This is a prime example of why anime should be considered art, each person can relate to one of its many themes. This is truly a hidden gem in the world of anime.

let your senses have a taste

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Property of A-1 Pictures and Naoshi Arakawa 

So there you go, even if you don't have anyone to hug on valentines day you can always pop one of these suckers on the T.V, and let your emotions run wild. Whatever the case may be these anime are incredibly good, and should be watched regardless trust me.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sit Through the Credits

So now that you know the difference between anime and cartoons how about you pop one of those suckers on the T.V. and watch it with me

Okay sure Liandro

Hey, hey, hey what do you think you're doing?

..........Skipping the opening credits

No, no, no my hypothetical soul brother you can't do that, opening and ending credits are just as important as the anime itself.

See the opening and ending sequences in anime are unique because they serve more of a purpose then to just showcase the creators. They have become an integral component in anime for animation studios and fans alike. Animators use the credits to set up the tone of  current arc or series of events that are occurring in the story. They do this with awesome animation and music, in fact for most Japanese musicians and bands, it has become a way to get high publicity for their songs and group. A lot of songs and musicians have acquired great success thanks to anime. Anime Opening and ending sequences are always 1 minute and 30 seconds, (with a few exceptions) changing on average every 20 or so episodes. They really are great, sometimes the openings themselves can tell a story about a certain character or the series itself, other times they become instant classics that may even become more popular than the anime itself, but they always hype you up for the show and give you a good idea of what you're getting into.

This opening is a prime example of when animation studios get it right, the soft voice that draws you in with a mix of great visuals and a little story telling. Suddenly it picks up tempo and keeps you hooked. It's pretty awesome

Video found at 
Property of Bones and Hiroshi Onogi
But just like openings, ending credits can be just as entertaining in anime. This is a great example of how ending sequences can be used to tell a story and make the audience sympathize with certain characters. In this case it makes the audience sympathize with the villain of all people how bout that.
Video found at
Property of Studio Pierrot and Masashi Kishimoto 
So how about you rewind that video and lets watch it from the beginning 
Sure....... remote ran out of batteries 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Anime What's That?

Is it a bird, is it a plane, no it's a cartoon. Wrong, Anime is its own unique art form that differs from cartoons in more than one way.

How is anime any different from cartoons Liandro?

Well good question my hypothetical friend, I will tell you.

Number one, presentation. Just by looking, one can notice a lot of differences in the presentation. For example the biggest and most noticeable trait difference are the eyes. Anime characters tend to have very large and colorful eyes, this is done because facial features of anime characters are very simple and similar. To set anime characters designs apart creators focus on their eye's and hair. That's why most of the time you'll see anime characters with crazy or colorful hairstyles. Another key difference would be backgrounds, unlike the simplistic face design of the characters. Anime backgrounds tend to almost always be very detailed, colorful, and unique.
Property Of Kyoto Animation
Pictured found
and property of Koyoto Animation

Property Of D.C Comics
Picture found
and property of D.C Comics 

Number two storyline
Cartoons usually don't have a defined storyline, they are usually compiled of single random episodes that serve primarily to entertain instead of pushing the story along. Anime always has a defined story line that takes the viewer from point A to B with a lot of stops in the way of course. Cartoons are also usually always original pieces of work, by this I mean they are not very often adapted from books or comics. Anime on the other hand is almost always adapted from some other source material, such as video games, light novels and the biggest one Manga (Japanese Comics). Another big difference in the storylines between the two is that anime tends to cover much more adult themes than cartoons. There is also a blur line between good and evil in anime, a lot of times villains turn into heroes or vice versa. Lastly there are tons and I mean tons of different genre of anime, from sports, music, romance, drama, horror, sci-fi, adult, adventure, action the list goes on. Not to say that cartoons don't have a wide selection of genre's it's just much more apparent in anime, trust me.

Number three animation

Anime unlike cartoons, uses a different style of animation called limited animation. This method uses less frames to create movement but does it in such a way that it tricks the viewers eyes into thinking there is more movement than there actually is. Cartoons use traditional animation which is just simply drawing each frame individually, the end result is very smooth and fluid animation. Which you can imagine takes a lot more time, money and man power to accomplish. I say this because cartoons run at 24 frames per second, while anime does not re-draw entire frames. Instead it reuses common parts between frames, this takes less time, money and man power. To further compensate for this anime creators focus on backgrounds to set the scene's mood, which goes back to what I said in the beginning that animators create detailed and unique backgrounds.

So I hope this helps you see the differences between both mediums, although there are many more the only way to truly understand it is to watch anime and immerse yourself in the world, a world from a different culture with different values.  

My Life Animated

Hello Everybody, my name is Liandro and I love Anime. It's true I very much do, I've been watching Anime since the age of 5 or 6. Because I love Anime so much, I do not see it only as just a source of entertainment, I also see it as an art. I believe Anime holds tons of hidden gems of work that are not known by the masses. So this blog was designed with the purpose of introducing Anime to those who are not so well associated with it. Or for those who love Anime as well and would like to broaden their library. I will also be posting Anime related news and events for those who are Die Hard Fans. 

Give it a try guys, in the world of Anime there is a show for just about anyone to enjoy, trust me